If you happen to have a lemon tree within your reach, try this lemon leaves tea recipe to boost your immune system and help you prevent and fight, colds and flu.
Tips for making your Lemon Leaves Tea
- Make the tea right after pulling the leaves out of the tree.
- Wash the leaves well, prior to making your recipe.
- It is best to crush the leaves with your hands.
Benefits of Lemon Leaves Tea

- There is no doubt that lemon leaves on the lemon tree, have the same antibacterial properties as the fruit of the tree, while at the same time giving you some additional benefits such as helping you fight indigestion and alleviate digestion issues.
- Lemon leaves helps with respiratory health.
- Lemon leaves have anti-inflammatory effects, helping fight inflammation and bloating.
- Lemon leaves contain antioxidant compounds such as flavonoids and polyphenol.
- Lemon leaves tea will help you loose weight.
- Lemon leaves tea will help you relax.
If you liked this lemon leaves tea recipe, I invite you to try my cozy tea recipe: Oregano Tea